Adv. Construction Aircraft
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Tag | CORACA |
Class | CNSTR |
Built by | |
Tech Level | 2 |
Metal Cost | 231 |
Energy Cost | 12824 |
Build Time | 26001 |
Max Velocity | 90.0 m/s |
Acceleration | 0.84 m/s/s |
Turn Rate | 21 deg/s |
The CORE Adv. Construction Aircraft is a level 2 unit capable of building level 3 towers and structures as well as the level 1 Aircraft Plant; it has the weakest nanolathe among level 2 construction units, but makes up for it with the ability to move quickly to any location to build, assist, repair and reclaim. It also has no "collision size" while in the air, which means the player can instruct as many Adv. Construction Aircraft as he/she wants to build or repair a unit without them getting in each other's way. Each Adv. Construction Aircraft increases the player's energy and metal storage capacity by 100. Its counterpart is the ARM Adv. Construction Aircraft.
Commander's Handbook[]
Advanced Construction Aircraft Builds Level 3 buildings & fortifications and the Air Plant. |