Total Annihilation Wiki

PlasmoidThunder PlasmoidThunder 27 November 2015

Gathering Support for the Bot Legion

As some of you may have noticed, a new contributor briefly appeared in the wiki activity stream performing the simple task of replacing every instance of my signature with my new one; this user is actually my bot, known for his numerous tasks performed on the MUGEN Database.

In short, I feel that he may find use editing here as well, though I need your approval in order for Wikia to flag him as a bot; a bot's contributions are hidden from the wiki activity stream in order to prevent it from being flooded. For anyone worried about the possibility of Plasmo going haywire and suddenly blanking every page, I can assure you that he runs semi-automated and only ever does linear tasks such as removing or replacing a specific piece of text.

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PlasmoidThunder PlasmoidThunder 15 August 2012

Planetary Annihilation

What happens when you cross Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander with planetary bases and comets as kinetic bombardment weapons? This beautiful thing:

But wait, there's also this trailer for you to enjoy, and John Patrick Lowrie (the narrator of TA) will also be narrating this game!

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PlasmoidThunder PlasmoidThunder 13 August 2012

Should we?

Should TA Wiki have articles about 3rd-party units? Not the whole of UnitUniverse (oh thank GOD!), but proper unit packs like CPUP, Spider Pack, Tortoise Pack, Adv. Hovercraft pack, etc.? Not packs that contain two units (one for CORE one for ARM) obviously. We'd have a page for the pack itself, and additional pages about the units contained in the pack.

Of course I think we should document all the official units first...


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Beelim Beelim 10 May 2012

The Silk Road of Doom

After much pointers from the surly people on The Spring Project, I realised I have a great deal of work to do.

Priority one will be to get my Roman-era mod, The Silk Road, running again - now that I think about it, perhaps I should abandon this blog, and get back to business.

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Beelim Beelim 9 May 2012

Rise of the Moderns - an early-modern mod for TASpring

After much thought, I decided to quit Rise of Nations (the buildings and graphics were not making me satisfied one bit) and decided to go into TA Spring instead. Perhaps I can find someone who can teach me a thing or two on how to adapt Rise of the Moderns to Spring.

This new project has a new name: Tides of Steel: Rise of Industry,

But one thing remains certain, Rise of Nations has outlived its usefulness for me. For one thing, the unit slots are too limited, and so are many other things too. Yet, this is bound to be no easy task. Yet, I somehow relish the task ahead, knowing that perhaps it might be possible to yet have units march in lines and formations. Or perhaps, maybe not. To be certain...

  • Unit models and buildings will have to be deve…
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Nickredace Nickredace 29 March 2011

I got em All

I got the expansion and the patch, the barcuda, orm, etc.

By the map do you know how to enable scripts? Your the expert.

Its been a rather long time since I used the map editor at all. In the original game that shipped, the map editor had some errors in it. Not sure what they eventually fixed if anything. Dream Focus 08:00, March 29, 2011 (UTC)
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Nickredace Nickredace 27 March 2011

Need some help.

I want to make some scriped maps, but I have no idea how to enable them, and if you can help would it be somwhat possible to add an editor page for the loads of people with the same problem.

By the way I got the game and will start add pages and pictures for units of Veruna and Taros soon.

Did you get just the main one or did it include the Iron Plague expansion pack? Also, did you get the most recent patch for it? Aramon has flying Pegasus, rolling tower, and the Ark. Taros has an exploding rat, the rictus, and dark hand. Zhon has swamp beast, a large water unit with a stupid look on its face, and the slow moving wall destroying unit. Veruna gets lighthouses. Dream Focus 16:57, March 27, 2011 (UTC)
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Nickredace Nickredace 19 March 2011


That must have been some of the other people using my computer, sorry.

I'm getting the game and its expantion soon, so I'll be adding more Pictures and details.

Thanks again.

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Nickredace Nickredace 18 March 2011

Sorry just trying to help

I really don't see the reason for BANNING ME!!!!!!!!

All I did was add reviews and the place to buy it...

I though you loved playing the game.

Also If my stuff is nonsence what about my image contrabutions to units.

You own this wiki do somthing with it because its a whole bunch of Text and no real Data

You have bearly any data on any units builds Etc.

I was Just Helping, please don't be a jerk.

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