Total Annihilation Wiki
This unit offers the ultimate in protection from Arm Flash and PeeWee units. Designed by ex-Arm inventor and escaped political prisoner Tohu B'vohu, this weapon will change the battlefield for Core Commanders.
— Total Annihilation website
Class FORT
Built by
CORCOMConstruction KbotConstruction Vehicle
Construction AircraftConstruction HovercraftConstruction Seaplane
Tech Level 1
Metal Cost 321
Energy Cost 1790
Build Time 4094
Max Velocity N/A
Acceleration N/A
Turn Rate N/A

The Immolator is a level 1 CORE plasma tower; its sole purpose is to deal with the three main EMG (or "rush") units - the Peewee, the Flash and the Warrior - and does so by damaging them heavily, however, it does minimal damage to anything else. The Immolator is one of the six downloadable units created by Cavedog after Total Annihilation patch 3.1 was released. It has no ARM counterpart.


  • The Immolator deals both the most and the least damage out of all level 1 towers, as its base damage is 10, but it can also do 200 damage to the Flash.
Commander Commander
Kbots A.K.Adv. Construction KbotConstruction KbotCrasherDecoy CommanderDominatorFreakerGimpKrogothMortyParasitePyroResurrection KbotRoachSpectreStormSumoThe CanThudVoyeur
Vehicles Adv. Construction VehicleConstruction VehicleCopperheadCrockDeleterDiplomatGoliathHedgehogInformerInstigatorLevelerMobile ArtilleryRaiderReaperSlasherSpoilerWeasel
Aircraft Aircraft Adv. Construction AircraftAvengerConstruction AircraftFinkHurricaneRapierShadowTitanValkyrieVampVulture
Seaplanes Construction SeaplaneHunterTyphoonVoodoo
Ships Ships Construction ShipEnforcerEnvoyExecutionerHiveMissile FrigatePhantomSearcherShredderWarlord
Submarines Advanced Construction SubLeviathanSharkSnake
Hovercraft Construction HovercraftNixerScrubberSlingerSnapperTurtle
Resources Cloakable Fusion ReactorEnergy StorageFusion Power PlantGeothermal PowerplantMetal ExtractorMetal MakerMetal StorageMoho Metal MakerMoho MineSolar CollectorUnderwater Fusion PlantWind Generator
Factories Adv. Aircraft PlantAdv. Kbot LabAdv. ShipyardAdv. Vehicle PlantAircraft PlantHovercraft PlatformKbot LabKrogoth GantrySeaplane PlatformShipyardVehicle Plant
Towers Advanced Torpedo LauncherBuzzsawCobraDoomsday MachineGaat GunImmolatorIntimidatorLight Laser TowerNeutronPunisherPulverizerSilencerStingerThunderboltToasterTorpedo LauncherViper
Misc. Advanced Radar TowerAdvanced Sonar StationAir Repair PadDragon's TeethFloating Dragon's TeethFortification WallFortitude Missile DefenseRadar TowerSonar StationTargeting Facility