Total Annihilation Wiki
Total Annihilation Wiki
Class SHIP
Built by
Tech Level 2
Metal Cost 4404
Energy Cost 20731
Build Time 42730
Max Velocity 24.0 m/s
Acceleration 0.06 m/s/s
Turn Rate 11 deg/s

The Millenium is a level 2 battleship; it is armed with two plasma turrets that are fired independently and not different from each other. It is excellent at destroying other ships and shore bombardment, and can also withstand extreme amounts of punishment, but is completely defenseless against submarines. Its CORE counterpart is the Warlord.

Commander's Handbook[]

Battleship “MILLENIUM”
This is the premier weapon for destroying ships, with two huge batteries of heavy plasma cannons. Its ability to soak up damage is unequaled, but it is vulnerable to submarine and air attacks, and therefore requires an escort to keep these units away.

Factional differences[]

Being armed only with plasma turrets, the Millenium is noticeably less effective in engaging lesser, agile units such as scout ships and some kbots than its CORE counterpart, the Warlord, which is armed with a heavy laser turret in addition to a plasma turret. Against structures however, the Millenium can output greater damage, as its plasma turrets have a larger range than the Warlord's heavy laser turret. Consequently, the Warlord is slightly better in anti-ship combat, whilst the Millenium better serves a purpose in offshore bombardment of enemy bases. 

Commander Commander
Kbots Adv. Construction KbotConstruction KBotDecoy CommanderEraserFARKFidoFleaHammerInfiltratorInvaderJethroMarkyMaverickPeeweePelicanRockoShooterWarriorZeusZipper
Vehicles Adv. Construction VehicleBulldogConstruction VehicleFlashJammerJeffyLugerMerlPantherPenetratorPhalanxPodgerSamsonScarabSeerSpiderStumpyTriton
Aircraft Aircraft Adv. Construction AircraftAtlasBrawlerConstruction AircraftEagleFreedom FighterHawkLancetPeeperPhoenixThunder
Seaplanes AlbatrossConstruction SeaplaneSeahawkTornado
Ships Ships ArcherColossusConquerorConstruction ShipCrusaderEscortHulkMilleniumRangerSkeeter
Submarines Advanced Construction SubFibberLurkerPiranha
Hovercraft AnacondaBearConstruction HovercraftSkimmerSwatterWombat
Resources Cloakable Fusion ReactorEnergy StorageFusion ReactorGeothermal PowerplantMetal ExtractorMetal MakerMetal StorageMoho Metal MakerMoho MineSolar CollectorUnderwater Fusion PlantWind Generator
Factories Adv. Aircraft PlantAdv. Kbot LabAdv. ShipyardAdv. Vehicle PlantAircraft PlantHovercraft PlatformKbot LabSeaplane PlatformShipyardVehicle Plant
Towers Advanced Torpedo LauncherAmbusherAnnihilatorBig BerthaDefenderDefender - NSFlakkerGuardianL.L.TRetaliatorSentinelStingrayStunnerTorpedo LauncherVulcan
Misc. Advanced Radar TowerAdvanced Sonar StationAir Repair PadDragon's TeethFloating Dragon's TeethFortification WallProtectorRadar TowerSonar StationTargeting Facility