Total Annihilation Wiki
Class VTOL
Built by
Tech Level 2
Metal Cost 294
Energy Cost 5778
Build Time 13294
Max Velocity 91.6 m/s
Acceleration 1.68 m/s/s
Turn Rate 99 deg/s

The Rapier is a level 2 gunship aircraft; it has a unique way of engaging targets: swinging around them within a fixed distance like a pendulum while pelting them with rockets. It is effective against surface units that are not anti-air, and in high numbers can also destroy light anti-air defences such as missile towers; however due to its way of attack it is very prone to getting hit even by non-antiair weaponry, and is useless against other aircraft. Its ARM counterpart is the Brawler.

Commander's Handbook[]

Gunship “RAPIER”
This gunship carries rockets for shooting ground units. It is heavily armored.

Factional differences[]

In comparison to the ARM Brawler, the Rapier has a slower turn rate and acceleration, and hence a slower pendulum motion. This makes it slightly more vulnerable than the Brawler to non-Anti-Air units, such as tanks that may successfully land stray shots on the aircraft. However, this is compensated by the fact that Rapier's rockets do far more damage than the Brawler's EMG cannons. This makes the Rapier better suited for structural raids and hit-and-run attacks against slower and more armoured units than the Brawler. 

Commander Commander
Kbots A.K.Adv. Construction KbotConstruction KbotCrasherDecoy CommanderDominatorFreakerGimpKrogothMortyParasitePyroResurrection KbotRoachSpectreStormSumoThe CanThudVoyeur
Vehicles Adv. Construction VehicleConstruction VehicleCopperheadCrockDeleterDiplomatGoliathHedgehogInformerInstigatorLevelerMobile ArtilleryRaiderReaperSlasherSpoilerWeasel
Aircraft Aircraft Adv. Construction AircraftAvengerConstruction AircraftFinkHurricaneRapierShadowTitanValkyrieVampVulture
Seaplanes Construction SeaplaneHunterTyphoonVoodoo
Ships Ships Construction ShipEnforcerEnvoyExecutionerHiveMissile FrigatePhantomSearcherShredderWarlord
Submarines Advanced Construction SubLeviathanSharkSnake
Hovercraft Construction HovercraftNixerScrubberSlingerSnapperTurtle
Resources Cloakable Fusion ReactorEnergy StorageFusion Power PlantGeothermal PowerplantMetal ExtractorMetal MakerMetal StorageMoho Metal MakerMoho MineSolar CollectorUnderwater Fusion PlantWind Generator
Factories Adv. Aircraft PlantAdv. Kbot LabAdv. ShipyardAdv. Vehicle PlantAircraft PlantHovercraft PlatformKbot LabKrogoth GantrySeaplane PlatformShipyardVehicle Plant
Towers Advanced Torpedo LauncherBuzzsawCobraDoomsday MachineGaat GunImmolatorIntimidatorLight Laser TowerNeutronPunisherPulverizerSilencerStingerThunderboltToasterTorpedo LauncherViper
Misc. Advanced Radar TowerAdvanced Sonar StationAir Repair PadDragon's TeethFloating Dragon's TeethFortification WallFortitude Missile DefenseRadar TowerSonar StationTargeting Facility