| |
Class | TANK |
Built by | |
Tech Level | 2 |
Metal Cost | 230 |
Energy Cost | 2200 |
Build Time | 6075 |
Max Velocity | 18.3 m/s |
Acceleration | 1.83 m/s/s |
Turn Rate | 168 deg/s |
The Spider is a walking vehicle capable of climbing any terrain elevation; the unit's weapon paralyzes the enemy for about 30 seconds instead of damaging it, allowing other units to destroy it or the Commander to capture it. It is very useful against particularly powerful enemies such as heavy tanks and even the mighty Krogoth, but due to its flimsy armour, it is easily countered by long-ranged fire. It has no CORE counterpart.
Commander's Handbook[]
All Terrain Attack Vehicle “SPIDER” Spider is actually a Kbot, but its huge size requires construction by the larger vehicle assembly plant. It fires a special paralyzer weapon that can stun the enemy. |